<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Starting a portfolio can be incredibly hard. That is why I created a special pack to help junior designers start with their first cases to post. I have focused on Behance platform as the case studies there are more demanding and I wished someone had a template for me too when I started :)

Page Structure:


1. Behance Portfolio Helper Template (on Figma)

Behance Cover - Notion 2@2x.png

Behance Portfolio helper - is an easily customisable template to create your first portfolio cases on Behance. You can choose from over 60 blocks to combine into an indivdual protfolio case.

➡️ Link: Figma File Here

How does it work? It works simple like a drag and drop editor. You just have to choose the sections you like and replace the photo with your ‘page screenshot’ or a mock-up. You can also adjust fonts and colors to suit your case-study.

Part 1: Introduction to Behance Portfolio helper


Part 2: Building a Case Study with Behance Portfolio Helper


2. How to Structure a Case study

<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Formats for the Case studies:

Format: jpeg, gifs, png

Size: recommended under 10MB (max. 50MB uploas)

Portfolio size: Width: 1920px Height: infinity

Thumbnail size: Width: 808px Height: 632px
